About me

A motivated engineer who loves what he is doing and solving all sorts of problems with a higher interest in computer/computing specific tasks. My enthusiasm for tackling challenges in the realm of computer science is matched only by my dedication to finding outside-the-box solutions. Open to explore and embrace new languages, as it broadens my horizons while continuously seeking innovative solutions. With a focus on tangible outcomes, I am dedicated to delivering impactful results that drive technological advancement.



  1. Koç High School, International Baccalaureate Diploma

    2017 — 2021

    Double Diploma Track:
    Turkish High School Diploma
    International Baccalaureate Diploma:
    High Level: Mathematics AA, Physics, ITGS
    Standard Level: Chemistry, English Literature, Turkish Literature

  2. University Of Groningen, Bsc. Artificial Intelligence

    2021 — 2024

    Elective Courses Taken:
    Parallel Computing
    C/C++ Fundamentals, Programming, Advanced Programming (Brokken's Course icce.rug.nl) Information Retrieval
    Information Security
    Robotics 1
    Robotics 2
    Reinforcement Learning Practical


  1. Zümrüt Photo Studios

    2016 — 2021

    Worked as a photographer intern and photo editor for Zümrüt Photo Studios.

  2. Front & Back End Development for Jewelss.co

    2023 - Present

    Developing an IOS application for Jewelss.co , a startup company that develops a game in which users can buy and sell virtual watches just like in the stock market.

  3. Teaching Assistant at University of Groningen

    2023 - Present

    Teaching Assistant for the course "C++" at University of Groningen. (For all 3 parts) (Brokken's Course icce.rug.nl)

My skills

Languages I know:
Turkish, Native Proficiency
English, Bilingual Proficiency
Dutch, Elementary proficiency (Work In Progress)



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